Thursday, September 28, 2017


I chose a painting from Sandro Botticelli who was an Italian painter during the early Renaissance. When looking through his painting my favorite was this one, named "Primavera" which means spring. What caught my attention and what I liked so much about this painting is that it's hard to figure out what is going on. When you think of spring, you think of bright and happy colors and in this painting there is a lot of dark and black especially in the background. I liked how Venus, the women in the middle is a focus point and she is looking out almost to the viewer. She has a halo almost around her and this really emphasizes her presence. I also liked the use of all the individuals in the paintings and their placement. Each seem to tell their own story and that adds a lot of depth to the painting itself. In the painting Botticelli includes a lot of Gods like the god of wind, and khloris and flora, he also includes the three grace's. Each person and individual leaves room for a lot of interpretation and that's what I enjoyed the most.

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